Fatty liver in Pakistani cohort with rheumatoid arthritis

Fatty liver in rheumatoid arthritis

  • Dr Abrar Ahmed wagan central park medical college lahore
  • Abdul Qadir Bhutto Shaheed mohtarma Benazir bhutoo medical University Larkana
  • Daim Khan central park medical college lahore
  • Abdul Raheem central park medical college lahore
Keywords: Fatty liver, RA, FRS, DMARD’s, MeTs


Objective: To determine the frequency of fatty liver (non-alcoholic) disease, Framingham 10-year cardiovascular risk score in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Methods: This study was conducted from September 1st to March 19, 2019, at Rheumatology OPD, Central Park Medical College Lahore. One hundred ninety two seropositive rheumatoid arthritis patients were recruited. Demographic details were noted, BP, BMI, smoking habits, and waist circumference were noted, then sent to radiology department for ultrasound scan of abdomen by an expert radiologist. On next day 10 ml blood was taken by phlebotomist for lipid profile and fasting blood sugar levels, after availability of results 10-years Framingham cardiovascular risk score was calculated.

Results: Females were (81.3%) mean age of (45.4) years, fatty liver was present in n=39 (20.3%). In positive cases comorbid like metabolic syndrome was present (71.8%), diabetes mellitus (33.3%), hypertension (59%) FRS score (intermediate to high in (33.3%), history of hakeem/desi medication use (51.3%), while on regression analysis all study parameters except DMARD’s had significant association with fatty liver (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is very widely prevalent in rheumatoid arthritis patients. As in general population, it is multifactorial in origin and needs careful monitoring and treatment.

doi: https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.36.4.1984

How to cite this:
Wagan AA, Bhutoo AQ, Khan D, Raheem A. Fatty liver in Pakistani cohort with rheumatoid arthritis. Pak J Med Sci. 2020;36(4):723-728. doi: https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.36.4.1984

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How to Cite
wagan, D. A. A., Bhutto, A. Q., Khan, D., & Raheem, A. (2020). Fatty liver in Pakistani cohort with rheumatoid arthritis: Fatty liver in rheumatoid arthritis. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36(4). https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.36.4.1984
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