Assessment of burnout and associated factors among medical educators
Objective: To assess burnout in medical educators and to identify factors associated with it.
Methods: A sequential mixed methods research study was conducted over eight months from July 2018 until February 2019. Participants included medical educators, who are studying for or graduated with a postgraduate qualification in medical education. An online questionnaire was developed using Maslach Burnout Inventory to collect quantitative data. The findings were explored in-depth qualitatively. Descriptive and inferential statistics were calculated for the quantitative data using SPSS 20. For qualitative data, we performed thematic analysis.
Results: Of total 160 medical educationists, 101 responded giving 63.1% response rate. Mean age was 41.4 years and majority 53.5% were females. Overall aggregate mean burnout level was 12.34 ± 7.36 whereas sub-domains of Maslach burnout inventory( MBI) like i) emotional exhaustion, ii) depersonalization and iii) personal accomplishment were found out to be 19.59, 10.42 and 11.21 respectively. Most respondents had moderate 71 (70.3%) emotional exhaustion and 8 (8.9%) had severe emotional exhaustion. Average level of depersonalization was suffered by 73 (72.3%) respondents and severe level was observed in 20 (19.8%) respondents. Personal accomplishment was found low in all 101 (100.0%) respondents. Selective in-depth interviews revealed that coping mechanisms like social gatherings, indoor and outdoor game facilities and outings and leisure time should be strategized for faculties.
Conclusion: In this study medical educators were found to have quite high level of burnout. The early career medical educators feels emotionally exhausted, with low sense of personal accomplishment.
How to cite this:
Akram Z, Sethi A, Khan AM, Zaidi FZ. Assessment of burnout and associated factors among medical educators. Pak J Med Sci. 2021;37(3):827-832. doi:
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