Introduction of temporal integration in fourth year MBBS curriculum; Students’ experience

  • Rameen Shahid Faisalabad Medical University
  • Sumera Badar Ehsan Faisalabad Medical University
  • Muhammad Nawaz Faisalabad Medical University
Keywords: Professional education, Curriculum, Learning


Objectives: Rapid innovations in medical science have necessitated the development of an advanced medical curriculum. Taking a step towards this, a temporal integrated system and clinic-pathological conferences themes were introduced in a public sector medical university for fourth year MBBS. This study aims to assess students’ perceptions regarding this change.

Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in a public sector medical university from May 2019 to April 2020. A 17 item pre-validated questionnaire was distributed among all students twice, firstly after completion of first module and then again at the end of the academic year. Results were analyzed using SPSS 21.

Results: There were 265 and 176 participants in the first and second phase of the study respectively. Majority of the students agreed that it was easier to study a topic when temporally integrated. Most commonly reported advantage was better understanding and concept of the theme under study. Suggestions included revision of the schedule regarding allocation of time for different topics and implementation of this curriculum from first year MBBS.

Conclusion: A small step was taken to make improvements in an old traditional method. Students are adapting to this change as they responded positively to various aspects of this methodology. Continuous feedback, evaluation and amendments will help to improve its effectiveness.


How to cite this:
Shahid R, Ehsan SB, Nawaz M. Introduction of temporal integration in fourth year MBBS curriculum; Students’ experience. Pak J Med Sci. 2022;38(3):487-491. doi:

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Author Biographies

Sumera Badar Ehsan, Faisalabad Medical University

Assistant Professor, Health Professions Education and Research Department


Muhammad Nawaz, Faisalabad Medical University

Professor, Department of Ophthalmology

How to Cite
Shahid, R., Ehsan, S. B., & Nawaz, M. (2022). Introduction of temporal integration in fourth year MBBS curriculum; Students’ experience. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 38(3).