Disseminated cryptococcal infection in a lymphoma suspected patient
Cryptococcus neoformans is an opportunistic pathogen, mainly responsible for meningitis in immunodeficient individuals. We report a rare case of dessiminated cryptococcosis in a six years old boy, patient was being evaluated for lymphoma. In the present case the causative agent was Cryptococcus neoformans. It was diagnosed through Bactec, aerobic blood culture bottle. The cause of hospitalization of the patient was fever with abdominal pain. Blood and CSF culture revealed the presence of Cryptococcus neoformans which was further confirmed by urease test and corn meal tween agar (CMT). In the present case fungus was unusually isolated earlier from blood culture rather than cerebrospinal fluid.
doi: https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.38.ICON-2022.5784
How to cite this:
Khursheed N, Umer A, Adnan F. Disseminated cryptococcal infection in a lymphoma suspected patient. Pak J Med Sci. 2022;38(2):430-432. doi: https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.38.ICON-2022.5784
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