The prevalence and impacts heavy menstrual bleeding on anemia, fatigue and quality of life in women of reproductive age
Heavy menstrual bleeding,Anemia, Fatigue & QOL in women of reproductive age
Objectives: To investigate the prevalence and impacts of heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) on anemia, fatigue, and the quality of life (QoL) in women of reproductive age.
Methods: This study was conducted among 306 women of reproductive age who presented at the internal medicine outpatient departments of the training and research hospital of a university. The data of the study were collected by the “Data collection form”, “SF-36 Quality of Life Scale (SF-36 QoLS)” and “Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI)”.
Results: The prevalence of HMB in women of reproductive age was 37.9%. The ferritin level and physical functions were found to decrease significantly as the duration of menstruation increased (p<0.05). Besides, a positive but very weak relationship was found between the menstruation duration and the subdimensions of the global BFI and the general health perception subscale of the SF-36 QoLS (p<0.05).
Conclusion: It was determined that HMB is common and has negative effects on anemia, fatigue and some subdimensions of the QoL. Regular screening for HMB that may not be expressed by many women may therefore be useful in preventing and resolving the health problems that it will cause.
How to cite this:
Kocaoz S, Cirpan R, Degirmencioglu AZ. The prevalence and impacts heavy menstrual bleeding on anemia, fatigue and quality of life in women of reproductive age. Pak J Med Sci. 2019;35(2):365-370. doi:
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