Validation and exploratory factor analysis of Urdu Version of Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire
Objective: To present and validate psychometric properties of Urdu version CLDQ, yet another objective was to do exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) of CLDQ Urdu version.
Methods: This Cross-sectional Analytical Study was conducted at Dr. Ruth K.M. Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi during the period Nov. 15, 2021 to Jan. 30, 2022. CLDQ Urdu questionnaire was self-administered by the patients. The questionnaire consisted of 29 items and responses were recorded on 7-point Likert type scale. Reliability testing was done by Cronbach’s α, test value of >0.7 is taken as reliable. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted with principal component analysis with varimax rotation. Adequacies for conduction of EFA depended on Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value of ≥0.5 and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity (BTS) of ≤0.05. Mean CLDQ Urdu scores were also compared with Child Class using ANOVA and post-hoc analysis was done.
Results: A total of 320 patients were selected after informed consent. All conditions for adequate EFA were met (Cronbach’s α =.949; KMO = .846; BTS ≤.001). Mean CLDQ Urdu score was 156.74 in male and 133.27 in female (p<.001). Child Class-A had best quality of life with score of 186.63 ±6.91 and Child Class-C had the worst with scores of 109.78 ±21.33. EFA resulted in reduction of domains to 4 (Muscular Symptoms, Emotional Symptoms, Abdominal Symptoms & Somnolence) & reduced the number of items from 29 to 11.
Conclusion: Urdu CLDQ version is validated in our settings. EFA resulted in reductions in number of domains and items. CLDQ Urdu showed that quality of life decreases significantly with Child Class.
How to cite this: Hussain SM, Zuberi BF, Rasheed T, Ali FS, Majid E. Validation and exploratory factor analysis of Urdu Version of Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire. Pak J Med Sci. 2023;39(1):117-127. doi:
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