Recurrence of Invasive Cervical Resorption after six years of Nonsurgical and Surgical management by Bioceramic-Material
Invasive cervical resorption (ICR) is a phenomenon of unknown etiology that results in the loss of hard dental tissue. To have a successful outcome for a tooth affected by ICR, correct diagnosis and management are needed. With the introduction of new biocompatible materials and the advancement of CBCT imaging, these pathologies can be identified and treated with precision, resulting in promising outcomes. This case report aims to present the management of maxillary central incisors diagnosed with external ICR, treated with bioceramic root repair material, and followed-up to six years.
How to cite this: AlAttas MH, Edrees HY, Mohsin SF, Javed MQ. Recurrence of Invasive Cervical Resorption after six years of Nonsurgical and Surgical management by Bioceramic-Material. Pak J Med Sci. 2023;39(3):908-912. doi:
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