Association of high pre-pregnancy body mass index with adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes
Background & Objectives: Obesity is an epidemic of the 21st century with its rates doubling in both developed and developing countries. It raises concerns for both maternal and fetal well-being and needs altered care throughout pregnancy and in postnatal period. Raised BMI prior to conception is associated with adverse feto-maternal outcomes. Limited data is available about its association with adverse maternofetal outcome in this region of the world. Our objective was to find out association of high pre-pregnancy BMI with adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes.
Methods: This cohort study of 390 patients was conducted in Gynae department of Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar. Study duration was from June 2021 to March 2022. Patients enrolled in third trimester of gestation (≥ 37 weeks) were divided into two groups based on BMI i.e., Group-A with BMI <25 and Group-B with BMI ≥25. Both groups were followed until their delivery and discharge.
Results: The mean age of 390 women was 28.2 ± 4.8 years. There was statistically significant association between raised pre pregnancy BMI and maternal risks like postpartum hemorrhage (p-0.0001), genital tract (p-0.0002) and perineal trauma (p-0.04). Neonatal risks significantly associated with high pre-pregnancy BMI were macrosomia (p-0.0001), and one minute APGAR score of < 8/10(p- 0.01). Both groups had no statistically significant difference for different modes of delivery i.e normal vaginal/ instrumental delivery and cesarean section (P-value 0.9).
Conclusion: Maternal pre-conception BMI of ≥ 25 leads to poor maternal and perinatal outcomes.
How to cite this: Qazi Q, Liaqat N, Afridi F, Khattak S. Association of high pre-pregnancy body mass index with adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes. Pak J Med Sci. 2024;40(3):313-317. doi:
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