The clinical manifestations and pregnancy outcomes of COVID-19 infection at a tertiary care hospital
Objective: To evaluate clinical presentation and pregnancy outcomes in pregnant women with Covid-19 infection in our local tertiary care from lower middle-income country.
Methods: A retrospective study was conducted at Obstetrics & Gynecology department, Sheikh Saeed Memorial Hospital (SSMH) of The Indus Hospital and Health Network (IHHN) from March 2020 to August 2021. Data of 422 admitted pregnant women with COVID-19 infection was retrieved for demographic and clinical information, laboratory tests, pregnancy outcome, and neonatal outcomes on RED-Cap and analyzed on SPSS 26. Univariate and multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed to estimate odds ratios (OR) for symptomology with categorical variables and feto-maternal outcome.
Results: Of the total 422 pregnant women, 24.4% were symptomatic, 74.7% exhibiting mild symptoms. Largely reported symptoms were fever (71.8%), cough (36.9%) and body ache (35.0%); while odds of symptomatic COVID-19 infection was less in educated pregnant women (OR 0.3; 95% CI 0.1-0.9) compared to uneducated. Amongst maternal comorbidities, odds of having symptomatic COVID-19 infection were 3.8 times (95% CI 1.1-13.0) in women with chronic hypertension and 5.5 times (95% CI 2.9-10.4) in women with diabetes. Symptomatic women had significantly greater incidence of miscarriages (p= 0.009), PPROM (p= 0.001), preterm birth (p= 0.000), preeclampsia (p= 0.000), placental abruption (p= 0.006) and maternal ICU admission (p= 0.000) than asymptomatic patients. Still birth was higher (6.4% vs 1.3%, p-value= 0.013) in symptomatic group. The odds of having severe maternal outcome were higher (OR=3.5; 95% CI 1.9-6.0) in symptomatic pregnant women.
Conclusion: Majority of pregnant women were asymptomatic. Symptomatic women with COVID-19 infection had an increased risk of adverse feto-maternal outcome.
How to cite this: Wali AS, Ali MM, Bibi R, Rahim A. The clinical manifestations and pregnancy outcomes of COVID-19 infection at a tertiary care hospital. Pak J Med Sci. 2024;40(2):S15-S20. doi:
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