The association of smart mobile phone usage with cognitive function impairment in Saudi adult population

  • Thamir M. Al-Khlaiwi College of Medicine, King Saud university
  • Syed Shahid Habib Professor
  • Sultan Ayoub Meo
  • Mohammed Saeed Alqhtani medical student
  • Abeer A. Ogailan independent researcher
Keywords: Mobile phone, Hazards, Radiations, Cognitive function impairment, MOCA


Background & Objectives: Excessive use of mobile phones has raised a great concern about adverse health effects on human health. The present study’s aim was to investigate the association of the usage of smartphones with cognitive function impairment in the Saudi adult population.

Methods: The present cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during September 2019 to January 2020. A total of 251 Saudi adults who were using mobile phones were recruited, and knowledge, attitude and practices were assessed by interview using a predesigned proforma. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) tool was employed to assess the cognitive functions, comparison was made between daily mobile phone usage group and their correlated Montreal Cognitive Score (MOCA).

Results: The mean age for 251 Saudi adult participants was 32.43±12.8 years. More than 80% of the participants used their mobile phone for more than two hours daily. About 61% of the participants were not aware of the side effect of the radiation generated from mobile phone. The participants showed a decrease in MOCA score with increased daily mobile phone usage (MOCA=26.8 for <1 hour daily usage, 26.1 for 1-2 hours, and 24.6 for >2 hours with P< 0.05). In addition, participants showed decreased MOCA score by keeping their mobile phone near their pillow while sleeping; MOCA=24.35 for near pillow groups and >25.5 for the groups that placed their mobile phone away from the pillow.

Conclusions: Excessive use of mobile phones can cause cognitive function impairment. Strict policies must be implemented to control the use of smartphones in order to minimize the effects on mobile phone radiation on cognition. The media has to be on the forefront in educating the public about the proper usage of mobile phones.


How to cite this:
Al-khlaiwi TM, Habib SS, Meo SA, Alqhtani MS, Ogailan AA. The association of smart mobile phone usage with cognitive function impairment in Saudi adult population. Pak J Med Sci. 2020;36(7):1628-1633.  doi:

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How to Cite
Al-Khlaiwi, T. M., Habib, S. S., Meo, S. A., Alqhtani, M. S., & Ogailan, A. A. (2020). The association of smart mobile phone usage with cognitive function impairment in Saudi adult population. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36(7).

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